Engineering supporting services especially in studying the architecture drawings

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A. Producing plastic formworks

PP (Polypropylene) plastic hollow sheets with 15 to 17 mm thickness, and standard dimensions 1830mm x 915mm (13.5Kg/ sheet) and capacity of 500Kg/h or 1600 to 2000 sqm/day (24 hours).

A. Producing plastic formworks

Fabricating the supporting aluminum templates using a robotic system. Produced workpiece specifications: length ≤ 2700, 2600, 2500, 2400, 1200, 1100, 1000 mm, width ≤ 600, 400, 350, 300, 200 mm, height ≤ 65 mm.

B. Engineering supporting services especially in studying the architecture drawings and designing the plastic formwork structure required

C. Planning and technical services

Cost consulting

Specification consulting

Sustainability consulting

Installation services & training

D. Specialized services

3D visualization and simulations

Training and technical support

Risk management